Why does GBU Ventures Exist?
A startup is defined as a team pursuing a scalable business idea in a highly uncertain market environment. Typically this needs rapid product testing, frequent changes and adaptations. These circumstances are in contrast with the top-down business culture of corporates.
Interaction between startups and established companies is growing in intensity. Many expert consultancies such as Startup Genome and KPMG acknowledge that it is startups not established companies that generate the most disruptive innovations.
For these established companies, startups become a source of low-cost and rapid “product-market fit” tests. For startups, established companies can become a powerful partner that can accelerate market acquisition and serve as a source of expertise and know-how. In reality, they both complement each other as innovation creators and innovation seekers.
At GBU Ventures we are passionate about creating these synergies by exploiting the strengths of the two cultures. We want to forge a new mindset which puts every member of the team at the centre by promoting the concept of shared responsibilities, evidence-based growth and creative problem-solving capabilities.